The new updates for HALAL GOURMET JAPAN has been released and is now more convenient than ever!

Hi everyone, are you using the HALAL GOURMET JAPAN app?
We will introduce to you the updated features, making the use more convenient than ever.

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You can use the Search in Map immediately after opening the app.

top screen map

There are always times when you are walking around in a city, thinking “I am so hungry, I wonder what kind of restaurant is around here?”

In the updated app, as soon as you open the app, you can see a map of your current location, making it very easy to spot “Restaurants near you.” providing location information.
* Only applicable when the location service is turned on. If not, a map will be displayed with Shinjuku station in the center.

Press “Back” to go back and search for shops by setting conditions.

Prayer space search is enhanced!

You can search for prayer spaces using the HGJ app! This prayer space searching function became much easier to use!

prayer space detail

Not only restaurant preferences, but the preference of prayer space also depends on the person, such as having a Quibla mark, easy access to Wudhu, etc.
Therefore, we added information of available facilities to the prayer space map.

  • Whether or not there is a Wudhu
  • Whether or not there is Wi-Fi
  • Whether or not hot water is available at Wudhu
  • Whether or not there is Qibla mark

Facilities are also displayed in Search in Map

search in map list

These facility information are displayed on the list of “Search in Map,” so you can search for conditions such as “Which prayer space is the closest from here with a Wudhu?”
It is convenient to use in a place you are visiting for the first time, but you might find a prayer space that meets all your conditions in a well-known area.

You can search prayer space by conditions

condition search

You can search prayer space by conditions.
Just choose pictograms of your choice and tap “Search” and wait for matching prayer spaces to be displayed.
You can pray in peace if you can find favorite prayer space.

The pictogram “with Qibla mark” also includes when the shop is renting out compasses instead of having a qibla mark.

The HGJ app also has the Qibla compass function. Try using it when there is no Qibla mark in your prayer space or when you don’t have a compass with you.


HGJ and HMJ will continue to help Muslims enjoy Japan pleasantly. Please enjoy your stay in Japan using this app!

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