
On June 27th 2015, Islam cultural exchange event 2015 was held with the sponsor of Indonesian Muslim Society. Muslim people residing in Japan interacted with Japanese people and deepened mutual understandings.

The event started with a greeting of “Assalamu Alaykum” from the MC, and program of the day was introduced.

  1. The real face of Islam
    Introduction to the correct teaching of Islam and Islam culture and not biased information from various Japanese media and television, Q&A session with regards to the interference of Islam and Japanese culture (by a Muslim person residing in Japan)

  2. Performance

  3. Iftar, meal (Turkey, Malaysia, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Syria, Indonesia)

• Greetings from the president of The Indonesian Muslim Association in Japan
The association was established in 1970, and is striving for convenient living of Muslim people in Japan and in Tokyo. We would like Japanese people to understand the values of Muslim people.
We would like to have events like these initiated by our association open for participation to everyone, including Muslim people and non-Muslim people. We would like to plan various events in the future and spread this joint ownership of peace. Cultures differ depending on the country even between Muslim countries, which makes us very unique and interesting.

• Real face of Islam, Q & A session

Q Question from the panelist to audiences: What do you think of pray spaces in department stores, etc. and inbound correspondences?

・I came to Japan in 2003. There were not many pray spaces compared to now. I used to pray at the end of roads and at the bottom of stairs.
Now, I often go to Akihabara and use their chapel even if I don’t buy anything. I am very grateful of this pray space. Halal restaurants are recently increasing, and I am happy to see that there are many restaurants serving good Chinese food and seafood, as well as ramen restaurants.

About LAOX akihabara

Q Could you give a word of advise to Muslim people residing in Japan?

・Japanese people may not appear very friendly when not spoken to in Japanese. Try speaking in Japanese as much as possible, and even if you find that the Japanese person you are talking to looks intimidated, do not give up and keep challenging to speak to them.

・ The best idea would be to master the Japanese language. Visitors from Malaysia and Indonesia are increasing due to easing of visa. Please take this chance to learn the language.

Q Why does the flag have a moon and star drawn on it?

・In Islam teaching, everything is decided by the moon. For example, the standard of Ramadan time starts from sun set. We consider that half the Ramadan time has past by the waxing and waning of the moon. Perhaps it is similar to Japanese people making wishes on Tanabata-day (July 7th). We make wishes in Islam as well.

Q What should we do to spread the teachings of Islam?

・In Japan, Most people convert to Islam with marriage as the trigger. Although marriage may be the wonder drug, we believe that it is spread through connections with people.

・Islam is not something barbarian but is warm and welcoming. We believe that it is a good idea to fill these gaps of misunderstanding through such events.s

• Performance
(1) Indang bandinding(Sumatra Island)
(2) Pencak Silat (Indonesian martial arts)
(3) Nasyid, traditional Malaysian music arranged to fit modern taste

• Commencement of Iftar
Presented foods: water, tafu goring, Indonesian snacks, Rendang, snacks, Turkish delights (Turkish sweets), etc. (Turkey, Malaysia, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Syria, and Indonesia)
Participants were divided into male and female when taking meals, and enjoyed interacting with each other. After hijab experience and having praying time in between, a group picture was taken, and Iftar finished at 8:00.

I wish to increase interaction between Japanese and Muslim people to deepen mutual understandings.
I hope that Japan will become easier to live for Muslim people.





