Clean, neat, comfortable, and child-friendly mosque

Written by Nurjanah san

Kumamoto Islamic Center is a mosque in Kumamoto city. This mosque is also used for Muslim community activities center in Kumamoto city. Located near Kumamoto University, it only takes three minutes by foot to get there.

Kumamoto Islamic Center is a three stories building with adequate facilites. The first floor is used for men’s prayer room and storage. Then the second floor is used for a number of meetings, kitchen and prayer room for women. Several rooms occupied by foreign citizens are on the third floor.

Kumamoto Islamic Center

Inside the mosque is always clean, neat and comfortable. Because for Muslims, cleanliness is part of Iman (faith). Mosque provides separate toilet and wudhu place for men and women with “Do not enter, Ladies’s wudhu toilet” sign.

Kumamoto Islamic Center

There is a clear sign, “Brother, do no open the door, please use the intercom” on the ladies room’s door. So, men are not allowed to enter the room, if they need something, they can push the bell, then ladies will go outside the room to meet them. When entering a mosque, Muslims or non-Muslims should cover up in hijab (headscarf).

Kumamoto Islamic Center

As a child-friendly mosque, Kumamoto Islamic Center also provides a play room with toys and baby equipment.

Kumamoto Islamic Center

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Masjid & prayer space in Japan

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