
①Please tell us the characteristic of your company and products (what you want to promote)
We believe that our mission is to spread to the world high-quality Shinshu miso made by combining good-quality water from Iijima city in Nagano Prefecture and selected ingredients along with our fermentation technology accumulated throughout the years. We are managing business taking into consideration suggestions to local Japanese restaurants, use as ingredients in HALAL restaurants, and product development with local food manufacturing companies. We plan on continuously making efforts to match our products to local food culture, and strive for spreading of use at home.
There are 5 products in total, including 20kg boxes of red and white miso to be used in food-service industries, instant miso soup, and cup miso (750g/375g) to be used at home.


②Please tell us the reason you decided to acquire HALAL certificate.
We have been making efforts in making safe and secure high-quality products since long ago. We acquired HALAL certificate such that Islamic customers from various countries as well as travelers to Japan can have our products without any worry.

③Please tell us if there are any recommendations for serving the products.
Although many might imagine miso being used in Japanese cooking, it may also be used for various cooking. It can be used in fish and meat preserved in miso, stewed dishes mainly seasoned with miso, and may be used in small amount as a secret ingredient in dressings to add umami and richness. It is a superfood containing many nutrients including amino acid, vitamins, etc., and is a food ingredient helpful in maintaining a healthy dietary habits of customers. Miso is great when used in spicy dishes from South Eastern Asia such as laska, coconut chicken curry, and satay, so please try it.


④Please tell us your expectations at MIHAS exhibition.
This is a very precious opportunity for us to have many people taste HALAL certified miso through taste sampling such as live cooking, etc. We would like to take this opportunity for everyone to know many diverse ways of using miso along with broadening markets to restaurants, processed foods, and retail chain stores.

⑤Where can we buy the products?
Malaysia: 750g and 375g cup HALAL “Maru-Mu” Mutenka miso Inaka is sold in Shojiki-ya.
Commercial products may be purchased from suppliers of each country.



